This was Bella the other morning. I had her on the chair sleeping while I fixed Isaiah breakfast. I came in and found cars all over her. They were on her head as well, but I moved them. Isaiah watches over her so well. He always has to rub her head and she normally gets a pacifier shoved down her throat if she makes a squeak.
Our sweet little Bella at 10 days old. I just love her to pieces!

Bella continues to be a good baby. She really doesn't fuss much unless she is hungry. Nursing has become more of a challenge. We just went through about 5 days of her wanting to eat every hour to hour and a half. That left momma with about 20 mins to get back in bed at night before getting up again. Needless to say that left momma non-functional. So we started supplementing her with formula at bedtime and during the night. Then at lunch time as well, so she takes a good afternoon nap. Today, she has been sleeping lots! It has been almost 3 hours since last nursing, so I am hoping that she went through a growth spurt and will slow down a little now. I really want to nurse her for a few months if possible. If not, Isaiah survived on formula and I know that she will too. I'd rather have a baby with a full tummy then one that is going hungry.
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