Thursday, August 17, 2006

Baby Shower

This was at my family and friends baby shower that my mom did for me. The quilt was made by my grandmother. She made one for each of her grandkids before she passed away. They were all numbered for each grandchild. She didn't get to meet any of her great-grandchildren, but planned ahead for all of them! Posted by Picasa

My two "boys"

Bruno loves his dad. There may be a little jealousy at first when the baby comes, but then Bruno will love him! Dad had to spoil him a bit because of all the changes with getting the nursery ready, Bruno knew something wasn't right and was just beside himself. Posted by Picasa

The Nursery

We finally got the nursery all together and I love it!! My mom and aunt graciously cleaned, set everything up and helped me sort through clothes. Now we just wait for our precious bundle to arrive! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


My sister, me and my mom at my cousins' wedding in July. It was very warm and I was worn out, so I look a little rough! :) Posted by Picasa

Growing well

Our little man is growing well. I am now 30 weeks pregnant, which is hard to believe. In another 10 weeks we should have our little boy in our arms. He is such a miracle and we are excited to meet him. We never thought we would get to this point in our lives.
He is so active and it is fun to watch him kicking my belly and see it jump.
This is a picture of me at 30 weeks. Posted by Picasa