Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Black-eyed Isaiah

This is our little black-eyed Isaiah. On Sunday while him and momma were at Nana's, he had a spill. He was strapped in his booster seat, which was strapped to my mom's very heavy dining room chair. I was working on something for Meredith, so I was ironing and my mom was getting Isaiah supper. She was walking over to him, cooling off his food and telling him it was hot. The next thing we knew, the chair was tipping forward and my mom was trying to catch him. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I think supermom mode kicked in for me. My mom couldn't lift the chair and I flung it up and ripped the tray off and took him out. We tried to ice it, but it didn't go over well with Isaiah. He was more interested in eating. We think that he hit the knobs on the hutch in the way down. We are thankful the tray was on or else he would have really hit his face on the floor. It doesn't bother him. These pics were taken the night after it happened. By tonight it was looking a little more blackish/green. When daddy showed it to him in the mirror, he laughed. By the way, Nana feels horrible!

A better view of the bruise. I know it won't be his last. He's a boy!!
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Cute Boy

This was Isaiah at Nana and Pap-pap's last weekend. He spent the night since Momma and daddy had something they had to do for church. Of course he had to play with his tractor. Nana usually pushes him around the house and he loves it!

Isaiah thought it was too funny to run into Pap-pap, even though momma tries to teach him not to run into people or animals. I guess anything goes at the grandparents!
Mr Froggie always has to go for a ride on the tractor. Isaiah loves to hug and kiss him.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Uncle Tim

Isaiah and Uncle Tim during Christmas. Uncle Tim is soon going to Africa and Isaiah is going to miss him so much! And of course, Aunti Meredith too. I love this picture, so I had to put it up for everyone to see. Tim and Mer are so special to us!
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Monday, January 21, 2008

Check out the links

If you have time, check out the links to the right, especially the Confessions of a CF Husband. What an inspiring story of love, commitment and especially of the miracle of God. The wife has cystic fibrosis and while awaiting a double lung transplant, found out she was pregnant. The sweet baby girl is about 2 weeks old (born at 25 weeks in order to save her momma) and her momma is recovering and still waiting for a transplant. Pray for them and read their story. It will touch your heart! And make you believe in an awesome God!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

15 month check-up

This is Isaiah last night 1/16 after being at the Dr's for his 15 month check-up. He did have 3 bandaides, but had gotten one off. They do them in his arm now that he walks, so his legs aren't sore. I'm thinking the legs would be better. He did great! Cried at first, but took a great nap and was wired. We got another pic of him when he escaped before his bath. But didn't think I should post it, so if you want to see it I can email it if you ask me. It is too cute! You can see why one of his nicknames is "Streaker".
Isaiah weighed 27lbs 4oz and was 32 inches tall. He is in the 90th % for weight and 85th% for height. My baby isn't so little anymore. Andy and I are thinking of talking to the Dr in March when I go about fertility meds again and hopefully getting them started by spring/summer. That is my plan at least.
Enjoy my bathing beauty!

Too cute

I wanted this picture to be our Christmas card and to write "hope your Christmas doesn't stink" But wasn't sure if people would like it, so I didn't. It is too cute not to post. The toilet is even "wearing" Isaiah's santa hat. So you can enjoy it now!

Heart Breaker

This is Isaiah in Aunt Erin's sunglasses. She thinks he looks like Elvis. She got him a shirt that says hunk of burnin' love. I thought heart breaker went well with it too.

Saturday, January 05, 2008


My dear son is daily teaching me the importance of hiding. Hiding God's Word in my heart, that is. He has a little ride on pooh-mobile, from his cousin Sammy, and the seat lifts up. I have realized that it has become his little "hiding" place. When I can't find his sippy cup or something I need from a drawer, I go on a hunt for the pooh-mobile, lift up the little seat, and sure enough, there it is. I want my life to be a "hunt" for God to hide His Word in my heart. I pray that Isaiah also learns this. He has such a special touch with people. He can make someone smile with his sweetness and he loves it. He loves all things and shows that by hugging. He even hugs his sippy cup. I pray that he is always thankful for what God has given him. And the funniest thing is when he smells or kisses feet. That makes me think of what a servant he is being. I am constantly reminded of Jesus washing the disciples feet when I see my baby boy. It makes me heart smile.

Father, please give my sweet Isaiah
the wonderful gift of your love. May
he be an encouragement to everyone
he meets. May he not keep your Word
to himself, but share it with all he meets.
Help Andy and I to be good parents who
show him Your love and salvation.