Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fair Time

This week is our local fair, so we wanted to take Isaiah to see all the animals. We wanted the grandparents to come too so they could take pictures and see his excitement. So tonight we all headed out for some fun. There are a bunch of pictures that follow of Isaiah with all the animals. He had to touch every single one. It took so long! But he was so happy and had a great time. I love watching Isaiah get so excited and giggle. There are more pictures on Nana's camera of Isaiah on tractors, but I have to wait to get her camera card to put them on. He also played with some fawns that were so cute. But to take pictures with your own camera or for them to take them cost some money, so we just let him play with them. He was so upset when we left.
But we had a good night and a little boy was exhausted when we got home. We started to have some meltdowns, but went to bed wonderfully. Now momma is off to bed!!


Jay and Jamie Dalton said...

I've been enjoying the updates on your family ... keep 'em coming! Hope you're doing well.
