Saturday, July 19, 2008

What Happens at Nana's, Stays at Nana's

I totally believe this saying after seeing these pictures from Nana's camera. He gets away with a lot more than with momma. But he is still so cute! I love getting these crazy pictures of him. My mom probably never let me do this stuff as a kid either, but grandkids can!
"What?? Do you think I am dirty?"
"My own ice cream cone. What could be better than this?"
"Do you think this snake is cool?" (It really isn't real, but I can see him doing this someday)
"Getting the cat is fun, even though she is an outside cat and can get nasty if I annoy her too much."
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fair Time

This week is our local fair, so we wanted to take Isaiah to see all the animals. We wanted the grandparents to come too so they could take pictures and see his excitement. So tonight we all headed out for some fun. There are a bunch of pictures that follow of Isaiah with all the animals. He had to touch every single one. It took so long! But he was so happy and had a great time. I love watching Isaiah get so excited and giggle. There are more pictures on Nana's camera of Isaiah on tractors, but I have to wait to get her camera card to put them on. He also played with some fawns that were so cute. But to take pictures with your own camera or for them to take them cost some money, so we just let him play with them. He was so upset when we left.
But we had a good night and a little boy was exhausted when we got home. We started to have some meltdowns, but went to bed wonderfully. Now momma is off to bed!!


The horses were hard to see since they are in big stalls and you can't pet them. Isaiah wanted to stick his fingers in the fence, but we had to keep reminding him that horses can bite. We don't have real great pics of them, but he still liked them.


Isaiah thought the pigs were so noisy. I always tell him to listen with his ears when he hears a noise, so now when there is something noisy, he holds his hand to his ear. He did that the whole time we went through the pigs because they were squealing so loud. Momma was a little nervous about how close he got to the pigs since they can be a little mean and bite.
These little piglets were so cute. There were 8 total and the momma was HUGE!!


These were all the sheep. Isaiah just ran from one to the next. It was so hard to get a picture of him with them. Love his little "ooooh" face with this sheep.


This was a cute little goat that was in the barn. Isaiah got to pet one of them, but this one was so calm. This goat seemed a little ornery. He kept jumping up and I think he was the one that jumped the gate into another pen. They all belonged to the same person, but it was funny.

Sabrina the goat

This is Haylee's goat ( a girl from church), so Isaiah got to pet and hug her. He even took the liberty of picking her nose. Yummy! He thought she was pretty neat.
Isaiah just smiled and laughed at Sabrina the goat.

After Momma's heart

Isaiah loving on the cows. After momma's own heart since she had cows at the fair growing up and showed them. He had no fear, like always. This little calf, Grapefruit, was so sweet and the little boys that owned her were letting Isaiah climb all over her and lay with her while they did. He thought it was so cool!
Isaiah had to touch every single cow there was. Some weren't so nice, but as long as they were laying down, momma didn't mind. It takes them a bit to get up before they can kick.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Blueberry Pancakes

I went blueberry picking this past week, so we are enjoying them so much. Well, Isaiah is! I have a huge bowl in the fridge and I keep a little bowl of washed ones on the counter so we can eat them all day long. This morning I made Isaiah and I blueberry pancakes. Isaiah slept in until 8:50 so he only had time to tell daddy bye. Praying for his pancakes. (Ok, this ones is posed since he is almost done, but he prays when we tell him he needs to and he knows as soon as he gets in his high chair that he has to pray.)
When I asked Isaiah if his blueberry pancakes were good, he shook his head yes for me. He was cheesin' it up for the camera.

A new car

I got Isaiah this little car for $1.50 at a yard sale. It was a lady that my mom works with. We also got a bunch of little girl clothes for little sister. Isaiah thought this car was so cool, but wanted Nana to push him around in it, which she did. He started to get the hang of using his feet, but it is harder in the grass. So he had fun pushing it around himself.

He made sure that he always shut the door after getting in or out. It was so funny!

Just being cheesy

Isaiah has this new thing of shutting his eyes when he gets his picture taken, so I have to remind him to keep them open. These are pics from just being silly the other day.

Friday, July 11, 2008

New PJ's

Isaiah is modeling his new PJ's that Auntie Joy got him when she was up. He loves them. He points to the truck all the time and gets all excited. So thank you again Aunt Joy!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Baby girl 19 weeks

Here are the promised 19 weeks pictures of our baby girl. I am now 22 weeks so we are chugging along. This pregnancy is much faster than Isaiah's. She is becoming more active, but still not as much as her brother was. Maybe she will be calmer! But she is moving at 11p, 2a and 5-6a. I hope she changes that around soon!

Friday, July 04, 2008

4th of July fun

This is a little pool that we got for Isaiah, so we put it up today for him. He had so much fun. Daddy put warm water in it from the house instead of all from the hose. We had a hard time getting Isaiah out of it when it was time to come in for lunch and a nap. He was shivering and turning purple, but he didn't care. It has 2 pool parts, a palm tree that squirts water, a flower with jingle bells in it, a turtle, a fishing pole with 2 fish to "catch", a slide and a dolphin to throw rings around his nose. It only holds about 3 inches of water for safety. It has a drain that lets it out so you can't over fill it. Momma was hoping she could enjoy it on hot days too!
What a fun slide! Isaiah giggled whenever he went down. Sometimes he went on his belly, face first and sometimes on his butt.
Keeping all his fish in the little pool. He thought it was fun to step over the wall continuously!
Hey momma, come on in! This is fun!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Growing up

Isaiah has grown up into a big boy bed. How sad and exciting! I finally got his room ready, except for a few things that need cleaned out and toys put in. But his bed is ready and he couldn't wait to sleep in it. He always wants to be in it and he is so proud! He can't wait for nap time or bed time. He wants me to lay with him, which I did for 2 days, but am trying to get away from. I know I could eventually and I will miss it when he doesn't want me to tuck him in, but with the baby coming, I know that will be a lot on me if I keep it up. Tonight we shed some tears, but finally gave in when momma just stood by his bed. Showing off how much room he has. The blanket on the window hopefully won't last, but he doesn't sleep well unless the room is dark, dark except for a little night light.
Bear and teddy are much needed bed time pals!
This is my big boy pillow!

I can't believe that he is in a big bed already. July 1st was his last night in his crib. I've been thinking how we as parents always remember the first time our kids do something, but do we remember their lasts? This is something I have been trying to do. I don't remember the last time Isaiah woke up during the night as an infant, the last bottle he drank, or the last time he ate baby food. I want to remember the last time he brings me a flower, the last time he wants me to tuck him in bed, and the last time he wants a kiss from me. I want to remember them so I don't suddenly wish for them and feel sad for wanting it one more time. So I can see how he is growing and developing. I love my sweet baby boy with all my heart. Somedays I long for his sweet baby breath and the hours of holding him. I cherish the very few times he may still fall asleep in my arms. I know it won't last. So love your kids with all that you are!

Fun with sand

Isaiah has a little sand pile at the end of our brick walkway in the backyard. He loves it! We are going to build one, but think it will be a project for next summer. For now, this pile works for his trucks. Tonight, Isaiah and daddy built a bridge for all the trucks. Isaiah carried all the bricks to daddy. About 12 in all. He is such a little worker and loves to help. Even when daddy said he didn't need any more bricks, Isaiah brought them until the pile was all to daddy. Even dropped one on his foot, but picked it up and kept trucking.
I thought this bridge was for me to sit on daddy!
Who can resist this cuteness??
He was a mess by the time he was done. Good thing it was bathtime. The water was yucky, dirty until he was done in the tub!

Pure sweetness

My sweet baby boy always picks me flowers when he is outside. Sometimes with help from daddy. Especially the roses with thorns. Tonight was no different and I thought it was such a beautiful rose. I love to see the joy, pride and love that Isaiah has as he runs to me with his outstretched hand, holding a flower. I hope it never ends!


Yesterday I went to our local re-run store, which is secondhand stuff that is very nice. Some is even brand new with tags still on it. I wanted to look for some things for the baby and they start putting winter stuff out in July. Isaiah was so good while momma shopped and shopped. (I got 12 outfits for $40!) He saw these lizards and wanted them. They are stretchy and weird feeling. Since he was so good I told him he could pick out a toy and he picked the lizards. The whole way home he studied them and squeezed them and at some points, I would see him shiver and shudder. Made me crack up!
Anyways, this morning, he couldn't wait to play with his lizards. He was up a little earlier than usual and ran to the lizards. He was so proud to show them to me, so I told him I needed his picture. This picture just captures the pure pride he has in these lizards. He even sleeps with one or two of them. As long as there are never real ones!


Isaiah had chocolate chip pancakes ( a special treat) for breakfast one morning. He looked so cute eating them.
But Momma, I would love to have some more!