Friday, October 24, 2008

Baby girl

I just wanted to ask everyone who looks at our blog to pray. Most of you know that I have bi-weekly non stress tests because of my gestational diabetes. I went in today for one. The new nurse manager was taking care of me and she was just wonderful! I was in a recliner because they were so busy. She kept coming in and looking at the strip that prints out of the babies heartrate and any contractions. Then she told me she was going to get the midwife, because the baby wasn't have as many accelerations in her heartrate like she should be. Heidi, the midwife came in and looked at the strip and watched the monitor for a while. She then pushed and shoved and pulled my belly to get the baby agitated. Then she watched the monitor some more, turned to the nurse and told her to get me in a bed and that I wasn't going anywhere. I remained very calm and then Heidi explained that when she did all that to my belly, the babies heartrate should have accelerated, but hers actually deccelerated. With enough medical knowledge, I understood. I went to a bed and they got me a soda because that can sometimes make the baby more active.
I called Andy to let him know that I might be a while and wasn't sure yet what was going on in case he needed to be ready to come to the hospital. He called his mom in case she needed to take Isaiah and sorry Mom B for giving you a heart attack.

After about another 30 mins, Heidi came back and said the baby responded better when I was in the bed, but still not as well as she should have. My next non stress test was scheduled for Tues, but Heidi advised that I need to do it Mon instead. So on Mon I go for my AFI (ultrasound) and then the non stress test.

Just pray that we have perfect peace about everything. This little girl is as active as always. I am having a lot more contractions, that are painful and lots of pressure. I am praying that she comes on her own and we don't have to wait another 10 days for the induction. I am so petrified of a c-section so I am praying for peace if that decision has to be made for our sweet daughter's safety. So I need to get all my stuff ready for the hospital in case things happen fast. I am so thankful for parents and in-laws that are so ready to help and care for us. Pray especially for our daughter's health and safe delivery. God has a perfect plan for her and we can't wait to meet her.

On another note, our realtor came by today to give us some pointers on the house before putting it on the market. She thinks it is a gold mine inside, but thinks the outside needs some help for curb appeal so she can get buyers in here. So we are looking at doing siding and windows. Give me peace about the cost of all that and the time that poor daddy will have to put into it, especially with a new baby and lack of sleep, all the while continuing his church duties. At least he has about 17 days off when the baby comes. Thanks for the prayers and love!