Thursday, October 16, 2008

2 year check up

Today Isaiah had his 2 year check up. This morning he woke up covered with a rash. Worried me a bit, but I was thankful we had his appointment. He did very well at the Dr's. He wasn't fond of the nurse and trying to get weighed and his height, but he is generally afraid of new things. After seeing the Dr, he was thinking that Isaiah might have fifth's disease, which is a virus. I knew that it can be harmful to pregnant women, so thankfully I had an appointment after Isaiah's with my OB. Everything is fine because I am so far along in my pregnancy. But after Isaiah took his nap, I thought the rash was very diminished and not really noticeable. At dinner he ate half of an apple and the rash showed up as bad as ever just like this morning. He had half an apple last night before bed. So I am thinking that it is from these apples I got the other day. He has always eaten apples, but I normally get red delicious. These are a golden yellow. So we had to hide them because Isaiah just loves fruit and always wants them. We are praying that the rash clears up and doesn't come back.

He got 2 shots at the Dr's and did wonderful. He watched the nurse put the needles in his arms and then apply the bandaids and didn't even utter a peep. She was very impressed too! He was more distraught about the bandaids. He hates to have them on. As soon as his shirt was off today and he could see them, they had to be taken off. He is so funny! So we have a very healthy little man that is growing way too fast!

At my appointment, they put me on the schedule to be induced on November 4th. Right now the baby looks good and is not too big. She is weighing in at 6lbs 9oz, but it is give or take a pound. So with 2 1/2 weeks until the induction, the Dr is not forseeing any problems. I will continue with the u/s and non stress tests every week. If anything changes, things may be moved up if I have an amnio and the baby is found to be completely ready to be born. One of the midwives that I like is on that day and the Dr that I've known for a very long time. (His daughter was our guest book attendant for our wedding). So it is looking like a good day for me. I already have my absentee ballot so I can vote. We just ask that you pray for us with all the changes and things taking place. We can't wait to meet our daughter and expand our family with our little princess.