This is our little black-eyed Isaiah. On Sunday while him and momma were at Nana's, he had a spill. He was strapped in his booster seat, which was strapped to my mom's very heavy dining room chair. I was working on something for Meredith, so I was ironing and my mom was getting Isaiah supper. She was walking over to him, cooling off his food and telling him it was hot. The next thing we knew, the chair was tipping forward and my mom was trying to catch him. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I think supermom mode kicked in for me. My mom couldn't lift the chair and I flung it up and ripped the tray off and took him out. We tried to ice it, but it didn't go over well with Isaiah. He was more interested in eating. We think that he hit the knobs on the hutch in the way down. We are thankful the tray was on or else he would have really hit his face on the floor. It doesn't bother him. These pics were taken the night after it happened. By tonight it was looking a little more blackish/green. When daddy showed it to him in the mirror, he laughed. By the way, Nana feels horrible!
A better view of the bruise. I know it won't be his last. He's a boy!!
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