Bruno came home last night and seems to be doing well. He was rambunctious and excited to see us. Isaiah is so happy to have his dog home so he can kiss and hug him. So now we deal with insulin shots 2 times a day and trips to the vet to get his blood sugars checked. Unless we decide to invest in a glucometer to check it ourselves.
So, we are very happy to have a happy dog again. And we changed vets this morning as we are alittle upset with the way Bruno was treated. He was given insulin and sent home. He was in DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis), which is very life threatening. More tests should have been done to determine that and he should have been monitored instead of sent home. We praise the Lord that our bill for the EAC was a lot less than we expected.
Thanks to all who prayed, even though it is just a dog, I think God knows our hearts love and comforts us.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Bruno is home!
Posted by andy&erica at 7:00 AM 2 comments
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Bruno, our wonderful dog
I just had to post another picture of Bruno. As I write this, he is at the Emergency Animal Clinic in Watsontown. Possibly for a 3 day stay unless test results are good and he does well. He began having accidents in the house a week or so ago. We thought it was due to the shots he receives every so often for allergies. After it continued for an extended period, we started to get concerned. This morning he began vomiting.
Andy took him to the vet and they ran some tests. They concluded that he was diabetic and needed insulin shots twice a day. They dosed him up there and sent Andy home with meds and instructions. He had not eaten for 2 days and continued to refuse to eat after getting home. With my medical knowledge, I knew that he needed to eat since having insulin, so as not do drop his glucose too low. He continued to vomit and refused to eat. After being outside for a while, we called him in and he started staggering and was lethargic.
I called my cousin, who is almost finished with med school to be a vet (yeah Tanya) and she was very concerned that the vet didn't get more tests and that he was sent home. She suggested we take him to the Emergency Animal Clinic. I called the EAC and they recommended that we bring him down. So we did.
After a 2 hour wait, we finally saw the Dr, who knew my cousin Tanya, and thought best that Bruno be observed for a few days and have IV fluids and multiple tests done. He was wonderful. He got right down on the floor with Bruno to check him out instead of making him stand up. They worked up an approximate bill for us and we decided it best that Bruno get the care that he needs in order to get well. He just had a birthday Dec 12th and is only 6. Isaiah adores him more than anything. Bruno receives more hugs and kisses than any of us.
So, we sadly left Bruno in the care of a wonderful Dr and staff. While it was hard, we also hope he heals well and they find the problems and hopefully can fix them. Bruno was and is our baby. When we thought we would never have kids, he was our child. He is important to us. So, while we figure out how to pay the $1100 bill, we are hoping for the best outcome, so he is a part of our family for years to come.
Posted by andy&erica at 6:07 PM 1 comments
Fun times
"But, I can't stop kissing Aunt Mer." Isaiah had a thing for Aunt Meredith this year. She was the recipient of all his hugs and kisses.
Posted by andy&erica at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Opening gifts
Posted by andy&erica at 10:13 AM 0 comments
A very spoiled boy
Posted by andy&erica at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Merry Christmas!
Posted by andy&erica at 10:08 AM 0 comments
What big feet!
Posted by andy&erica at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Bruno wanted to have a part of the action. This is Gary's foot that he decided to rest on.
Posted by andy&erica at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Daddy's birthday party
Posted by andy&erica at 9:54 AM 0 comments
O Christmas Tree
I think I already put a pic of the tree on here, but the 2nd pic is what the tree now looks like. I grew weary of chasing after a 14 month old who kept confiscating the balls and running away laughing with them. They are now out of his reach and soon going to be taken down. Someday during a little boy's nap, so as not to cause a fit. He loves the lights!
Posted by andy&erica at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Andy, my dear husband!
Posted by andy&erica at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 07, 2007
More attempts
Here are more attempts at Christmas pictures, even with daddy helping. Hopefully one will come out. At least Bruno looks cute, but only because he is trapped!
Posted by andy&erica at 11:15 AM 1 comments
Christmas pictures
These are attempts at getting a picture of Isaiah for our Christmas cards. As you can see, I was not successful. He doesn't hold still for anything and forget keeping the hat on! He thought it was funny! I finally gave up until I could get daddy's help.
Posted by andy&erica at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Happy Thanksgiving
Finally, I am getting some Thanksgiving pictures up. These are of my little turkey. Isaiah was just so sweet on Thanksgiving day. We never got home until 10p.m. He was happy the whole time.
Posted by andy&erica at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I was tagged by Jamie to place 7 random facts about myself that no ones knows. So I am finally (sorry Jamie) getting around to it. I am all ready for church, waiting for Isaiah to get up. What a late sleeper today!
1. I love to sing when I am alone
2. I'm not sure if I want more kids. (I do, but yet I don't)
3. I can't balance a checkbook
4. I hate to clean
5. I actually like to do dishes
6. I don't do my devotions as often as I should
7. I miss being a paramedic, even though I love staying home, I wish I was still doing it.
Posted by andy&erica at 4:46 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Yard Sale
My mother-in-law and I decided to have a yard sale this weekend. Crazy, I know, considering the freezing temps and snow squalls. But I was successful in making a little over $50 and I think my mother-in-law was about the same. The rest of the women's clothes will go to our local re-runs store, hopefully to make me a little more money. Then onto the mission! I am proud of how successful we were. Some people thought we were crazy, but we got their money! Ha Ha. But, we had fun and daddy got to take care of Isaiah for most of it. Nana kept him over night to give us more time to prepare, so that was a help. So now my home is a mess until the rescue workers can come pick it up, but we have a nice spot cleared in our little living room for Isaiah's toys. Hopefully momma stops tripping over them!
Posted by andy&erica at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
To my wonderful husband
We just returned from a wonderful family vacation at Myrtle Beach. It was wonderful to get away from everything and spend time together. Having Aunt Joy (Andy's sister) go with us was a double treat. Isaiah sure misses being spoiled now that we are back home.
I want to thank my husband for being so wonderful that I can stay at home with Isaiah and he still takes me on vacation, even though he is the one who does all the hard work. I appreciate all that you do babe and am so proud to call you my husband, partner, wonderful father and best friend. I love being beside you through it all, even when it gets rough. I can't wait to grow old with you and spend many more family vacations with you. Thank you for treating me like a queen! Our wonderful little family!
The following posts are different pictures of our vacation. There is some video of Isaiah on the beach and in the water that I hope to post at some point. Whenever I figure out how to get it from the camcorder hard drive to the computer hard drive. Enjoy!
Posted by andy&erica at 7:29 PM 2 comments
Playing in the sand
This was Isaiah's first time to play in the sand. Aunt Joy said he needed to have a bucket and shovel, so she found one for him. I don't know if daddy or Isaiah had more fun, but it sure got its' use out of it. Two boys hard at work!
"HHMMMMM! Can I catch that bird?"
"Daddy, stop playing with my bucket! I want to do it!"
Posted by andy&erica at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Swimming the day away
This is how most of our time was spent while in Myrtle Beach, besides shopping! Isaiah loves to swim. We started out in the indoor pool so as not to get as much sun, and momma thought it would be warmer. But due to the winds whipping through the doors, it was freezing. We finally went outside to the lazy river, which was so warm and fun, except for momma almost killing her knees to stay under the water to push Isaiah through, since it was only 3 feet deep. So much fun to float down the river! All the older ladies would comment about the "beautiful baby" every time we went by. Isaiah loved all the attention, especially from the southern ladies who are so sweet and friendly!
"OOOOOH! Momma, this is cold!"
Posted by andy&erica at 7:11 PM 0 comments
First ocean visit
This was Isaiah's first time to ever see the ocean. He kept pointing and smiling. Mostly at the pigeons that were everywhere. And the 2 dogs that are in the background. He had to visit with them everyday when we went to the beach and he saw them. The couple was so friendly and the dogs loved kids. I think it helped Isaiah with missing Bruno. "OOOOOOOOHHH!!
What a beautiful sunset! Aunt Joy did the wonderful job of picture taking and Aunt Meredith let us borrow her camera to take such beautiful pictures.
Posted by andy&erica at 7:05 PM 0 comments