Monday, December 31, 2007

Bruno is home!

Bruno came home last night and seems to be doing well. He was rambunctious and excited to see us. Isaiah is so happy to have his dog home so he can kiss and hug him. So now we deal with insulin shots 2 times a day and trips to the vet to get his blood sugars checked. Unless we decide to invest in a glucometer to check it ourselves.
So, we are very happy to have a happy dog again. And we changed vets this morning as we are alittle upset with the way Bruno was treated. He was given insulin and sent home. He was in DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis), which is very life threatening. More tests should have been done to determine that and he should have been monitored instead of sent home. We praise the Lord that our bill for the EAC was a lot less than we expected.
Thanks to all who prayed, even though it is just a dog, I think God knows our hearts love and comforts us.


Borbe Bunch said...

HI dear friend....
glad that Bruno is now home and you know how to best care for him! By the looks, he is a big bro to Isaiah! :) and a great playmate!
Thanks for the congrats and the extra energy you sent my way!! Lord knows I need it :) But, as you know me, I LOVE my "job" and consider the blessing God entrusts to us, a treasure!
I KNOW your heart and longing and will pray for God's peace to wash over you in whatever He brings your way, by way of more children...I know it is hard and long road for you guys...God has a plan and I am praying for you!
Much love...
p.s. looks like those ride on tractors would be a blast to play with! Bring them on over here to MO and our two little guys can have some fun! :)

Kathleen said...

I'm glad Bruno is OK. Looks like he's a great canine friend to Isaiah!!