Thursday, December 04, 2008


Bella is starting to feel better. Last night she spent the whole night in her crib, which I am glad for. She was up every 3-4 hours to eat, which is normal. She developed croup and barks like crazy, which Isaiah thinks is just hilarious. We keep explaining that she is sick, but he doesn't get it. Of course, he makes us laugh then when he imitates her. I took her to the Dr Mon, but since it wasn't into her chest yet, they didn't want to do anything.
But her Dr was concerned about her always vomiting. So next Thurs, Dec 11th, she has to have an upper GI and small bowel series. Her Dr is concerned about an obstruction or pyloric stenosis. He stomach appears to not be emptying after eating. So there could be something preventing it. It can be 3 hours after a feeding and she will vomit the entire bottle she drank. She could need surgery if anything is found. If not, we may be able to put her on a medicine that will empty the stomach, but it has side effects. Mainly causing sleepiness and lethargy. So it is something the Dr will discuss with us after getting the test results. I hope it gets all figured out. If we have to try the medicine for a while, we will, just so she isn't constantly vomiting her source of nutrition.
So this is more to add to us at this time. We just pray that our precious, pretty princess will be healed of whatever is causing the vomiting. She is such a joy to us. She smiles so sweet and coos. I just love her!