Monday, June 02, 2008

Our dear Bruno

As many of you know, Bruno has had some health issues in the past 6 months with diabetes and then going blind as a result. He had been doing well with the blindness though, until yesterday. We have a fire pit in our yard for cookouts and my parents were here for dinner. Andy had a service to attend, but had just gotten home, so my dad was cooking his hot dogs for him. We are unsure if Bruno smelled the hot dogs and wanted them or what, but he stepped into the fire pit with both front paws. Miraculously, he was not hurt. We can only contribute that to God. We know Bruno is only an animal, but an animal that God made for us humans and he is so special to us and Isaiah. After pulling Bruno out, Andy ran for the hose and we doused his feet for a while. He has a lot of singed hair, but we only found one little spot on the side of one pad that was red and not even blistering. Isaiah became distraught but soon calmed. Bruno had a stuffed animal in his mouth that I threw into the yard a few days ago after Isaiah dunked it in Bruno's water dish and it was soaking wet. That was a good thing because I think that saved his mouth and face from getting burned. So he is fine and walking without problems and no swelling, blistering, etc, so we are very thankful. Bruno is our first baby and Isaiah's greatest pal. We thank God for every day more that we have with him. We are praying that Bruno stays healthy enough for the next baby to love him as well.