Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pictures to come

Florida pictures to come, but there is problems with the blogging not uploading them, so when it is functional, they will be here.
We had a fun time, even though we were in meetings and such. It was a great, great help to have Nana with us. (Thank you so much momma!) It was nice to have her for Isaiah (and my) first time flying. It gave me a much needed break at times and a chance to do "adult" things with Andy, like staying out until 10p.m.! And when I became very sick, vomiting and such, she was there to take care of Isaiah while I stayed in bed for almost 2 days. Unfortunately, that did ruin the plans to go to Disney. Such a disappointment for me! I was really looking forward to that fun-filled day. And all the photo ops for Isaiah with all the characters! Maybe when he is older!
Isaiah still only has the one tooth coming up, but I believe it will be joined by another one soon, as the runny nose, coughing and fussing started up again last night. I wish Nana had been here then! So hopefully more will be popping up!
I will post more later when the pictures can upload!