We just returned from a wonderful family vacation at Myrtle Beach. It was wonderful to get away from everything and spend time together. Having Aunt Joy (Andy's sister) go with us was a double treat. Isaiah sure misses being spoiled now that we are back home.
I want to thank my husband for being so wonderful that I can stay at home with Isaiah and he still takes me on vacation, even though he is the one who does all the hard work. I appreciate all that you do babe and am so proud to call you my husband, partner, wonderful father and best friend. I love being beside you through it all, even when it gets rough. I can't wait to grow old with you and spend many more family vacations with you. Thank you for treating me like a queen! Our wonderful little family!
The following posts are different pictures of our vacation. There is some video of Isaiah on the beach and in the water that I hope to post at some point. Whenever I figure out how to get it from the camcorder hard drive to the computer hard drive. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
To my wonderful husband
Posted by andy&erica at 7:29 PM 2 comments
Playing in the sand
This was Isaiah's first time to play in the sand. Aunt Joy said he needed to have a bucket and shovel, so she found one for him. I don't know if daddy or Isaiah had more fun, but it sure got its' use out of it. Two boys hard at work!
"HHMMMMM! Can I catch that bird?"
"Daddy, stop playing with my bucket! I want to do it!"
Posted by andy&erica at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Swimming the day away
This is how most of our time was spent while in Myrtle Beach, besides shopping! Isaiah loves to swim. We started out in the indoor pool so as not to get as much sun, and momma thought it would be warmer. But due to the winds whipping through the doors, it was freezing. We finally went outside to the lazy river, which was so warm and fun, except for momma almost killing her knees to stay under the water to push Isaiah through, since it was only 3 feet deep. So much fun to float down the river! All the older ladies would comment about the "beautiful baby" every time we went by. Isaiah loved all the attention, especially from the southern ladies who are so sweet and friendly!
"OOOOOH! Momma, this is cold!"
Posted by andy&erica at 7:11 PM 0 comments
First ocean visit
This was Isaiah's first time to ever see the ocean. He kept pointing and smiling. Mostly at the pigeons that were everywhere. And the 2 dogs that are in the background. He had to visit with them everyday when we went to the beach and he saw them. The couple was so friendly and the dogs loved kids. I think it helped Isaiah with missing Bruno. "OOOOOOOOHHH!!
What a beautiful sunset! Aunt Joy did the wonderful job of picture taking and Aunt Meredith let us borrow her camera to take such beautiful pictures.
Posted by andy&erica at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Are you Serious!?!?!
"You're in the wrong condo. The owners are coming in today so you are going to have to move. I have another one down the hall that is actually closer to the beach."
This is the phone call I receieved after spending 1 night in a condo that we rented for the week while we were at Myrtle Beach. My response was "are you serious?!?" After telling Andy and his sister Joy, who vacationed with us, we began to pack up everything, but the kitchen sink. Anyone with a baby knows how much stuff is needed for a 10 day vacation. Plus, it was Isaiah's 3rd night in a different place in 3 nights. After leaving here, it made 4. While we can laugh about it now, at the moment we were a little overwhelmed. But we declined the offer of the condo down the hall and decided to look for a hotel. So with Joy looking online and me calling around, we ended up finding a place that we really liked. And it was home to us for 6 nights. Isaiah adjusted well and we had a great vacation. The pictures below are of the condo that we "raided" for the night. Enjoying an afternoon of reading while Isaiah napped.
The view from the balcony, if you went to the back corner and leaned way out!
The kitchen and dining room. It was a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom place and was nice. Too bad we couldn't stay!
Posted by andy&erica at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
Opening Gifts
Isaiah had a lot of fun opening gifts and he loves all of them. He was blessed by such wonderful friends and family, who showered him with love. We thank you all for your love! Book worm from Grandma and Grandpa
Moose jammies and bear (in hands) from Aunt Erin and Uncle Bill
Mega blocks from Auntie G. Notice the "oooh" face. He loves them. I don't love picking them up 3 times a day, but they keep him occupied!
Books from Grandma Jeanette and Grandpa Isaiah. Musical maracas from Aunt Mem and wash and wax town from Aunt Lora, Uncle Don, Jacob and baby.
Posted by andy&erica at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Good Cake
Isaiah was a mess after eating his cake. These are just beginning pictures. He had so much fun and was so excited, he was shaking. (That is what he does when he gets excited). It was very fun to watch him. Everyone was surprised that he wasn't up all night from the sugar.
Posted by andy&erica at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Sweet birthday boy
Posted by andy&erica at 6:02 PM 0 comments
First birthday cakes
This was one of Isaiah's cakes. This was for all the guests to eat and there were also pig cupcakes, but I somehow didn't get a picture of them. So if someone else has one and gives me, I will post it later. This was Isaiah's cake to eat all by himself. He was a mess. My mom has the messiest pictures, so when I download them, I will post them. He was so cute. Of course, the black icing was the messiest. He had to get a bath after eating it before opening presents. He had a great time!
Posted by andy&erica at 5:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Isaiah's First Birthday
Today was Isaiah's first birthday. He opened his presents from momma and daddy today, even though his big party is on Saturday. We knew he would have enough to open then. Plus, at the rate he opens, his party would become a sleepover! He was too cute though. We videotaped it, but didn't take pictures until later. Isaiah on his bounce and spin zebra. It plays music and spins and bounces. He wasn't too sure at first, but thinks it is fun after playing with it all day. He can even get off of it himself.
This is his dump truck from daddy. He loved it! He pushed it around and tried to run over Bruno, which was hilarious to him. Bruno was not thrilled though.
This was when daddy had to leave to go to church. Isaiah tried to follow him out the door. He loves his daddy so much.
Isaiah also got a book and a football blankie. The Bears, of course. He looked at the book right away and slept with the blankie this afternoon.
Thank you all that have shown Isaiah so much love this first year of his life. It went so fast and I have loved every minute of him in our family. He is our sweet baby!
Posted by andy&erica at 6:23 PM 2 comments
Memories from a year ago
Today is Isaiah's 1st birthday! I can't believe it. I wanted to post pictures of him with his presents today from momma and daddy, but came across some from right after he was born and had to include them. Momma and daddy love you so much sweet boy. You can make anyone smile and laugh with your joyous and happy personality. You have given so much to our family in this small year that you have been with us. We pray that God blesses you in a special way as you grow. Most importantly, that you love Jesus with all your heart. And that we are blessed with many, many more years with you!
Posted by andy&erica at 6:03 PM 0 comments