Isaiah was too cute eating his spaghetti the other day, so momma had to take pictures. He was a mess and required lots of cleaning up!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Scrumptious Spaghetti
Posted by andy&erica at 6:40 PM 0 comments
We have a walker!!
Isaiah took his first steps tonight. 3 of them before falling and then right back up and took 1 more. Momma is so excited that she got to see them. Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera ready, but I was so glad I got to see it. I kept fearing that he would do it while with Grandma or Nana. So I think we are entering into a new world. At our WIC appointment today we were told that we have a child now, not an infant. How scary does that sound?!? I think it is time to start talking daddy into getting ready for another one. Don't you all think???
Posted by andy&erica at 6:32 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Play time
Isaiah has so much fun outside. He loves the grass, leaves and the pine bark nugget mulch. Who knows why?!?!
Standing in bare feet in the pine bark nuggets. OUCH! He doesn't care!
Posted by andy&erica at 6:40 PM 0 comments
More digging pics
More pictures of Isaiah digging. (Even though they are before the big news! Keep reading to catch up.)
"But Miss Beth, I want to dig myself!" "Momma, this stuff is fun to squeeze and play with!"
"OOOOH! There is a dog walking by." (There really was and he spotted it and pointed. Daddy just happened to catch it on camera. Isaiah is such an animal lover. He kisses all the animals in his books and Bruno gets a fair supply as well!)
"Look at me! I had my picture taken for the newspaper and I am so cute!"
Posted by andy&erica at 6:37 PM 0 comments
A Celebrity
Waiting for the digging to begin!
Miss Beth helping Isaiah be a ground breaker.
Posted by andy&erica at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Too much fun!
Isaiah loves to play with magnets. His favorite are the wooden ones and I am not sure why. He crawls around with them in his mouth like a dog. I know, probably not the best thing to let him do, but he is too funny!
Momma, do you want one too?
Posted by andy&erica at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Isaiah was more interested in sucking on the stem of the flower than looking at it so we could get a neat picture. And he wanted to look at the things tickling his neck, rather than the camera. They are still cute!
Posted by andy&erica at 12:35 PM 1 comments
What happens at Nana's, stays at Nana's
Yesterday I was making tomato soup and went to check on it, leaving Isaiah barricaded in the living room, so not to get splashed by anything hot. I found it very quiet and went to check on him. He had the TV remote and was sqeezing the living daylights out of it. The TV was going crazy so I said "Hey!" He dropped that remote like a hot potato and went scrambling for cover. He knew he was touching what he shouldn't have been. It did make me chuckle though, with my back to him, of course!
Posted by andy&erica at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Fun in the Grass
Isaiah thought it was fun to sit in the grass with Bruno. He didn't like it tickling his knees, so found it better to walk on his hands and feet.
I know you're taking my picture!
This grass tastes pretty good momma!
Posted by andy&erica at 12:23 PM 0 comments
John Deere fun
Isaiah on the tractor with Pap-pap. After being scared of the 4-wheeler, the tractor remained shut off.
Posted by andy&erica at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Isaiah liked the 4-wheeler when he was just sitting on it with Pap-pap. After taking a ride, he wasn't fond of it!
Posted by andy&erica at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Canned Goods Fun
This is Isaiah playing with Nana's canned goods. He was crawling right into the cupboard. He was having too much fun to care that he was dropping the cans on his legs.
Posted by andy&erica at 12:09 PM 0 comments