This is Isaiah chasing an empty water jug. Unfortunately, there is no sounds, but he is funny to watch. He just giggled like crazy!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Various pictures
These are just some various pictures of Isaiah. His Auntie Joy was begging pictures, so I finally came through. He is getting so big. 11 months old next week. It doesn't seem possible that he will be 1 year old so very soon. I love him more every day, just when I think that I can't love him any more than I possibly do. Especially now with working, even though I am only gone for about 2 1/2 hours. I love to come home to his smiling face and sweet laugh. We are so thankful to God for our little miracle blessing. We couldn't imagine life without him! He loves books, so this magazine has been through the war with him looking at it, but he looks so cute doing it.
Posted by andy&erica at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Daddy and pickles
Daddy loves pickles and now Isaiah has developed a love for them. Whenever daddy eats a pickle, Isaiah has to share it with him. They are even garlic ones! He looks like a little birdy and it is too cute!
Posted by andy&erica at 1:04 PM 1 comments
Before and After
This is my fridge before Isaiah gets up. This is my fridge after Isaiah is up!
He loves to play with his farm magnet set, compliments of my cousin Tanya. THANK YOU! It talks and makes animal noises and plays music. It keeps him entertained for a long time so I can get cooking done. So it makes my life easier!
Posted by andy&erica at 12:58 PM 0 comments
My giraffe
Isaiah has a big giraffe that he can sit on, but he likes to climb on it. Notice his shirt! Stud Muffin Seeks Cupcake. All the girls love him!
Posted by andy&erica at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Grandpa and Me
This is Isaiah and grandpa before he left the hospital. Isaiah loved to go visit him almost every day. I know it is a little late, but I finally got around to getting some pics off the camera.
Posted by andy&erica at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Back to School
I (Erica) have started back to school. I am 6 classes away from obtaining my bachelors in Christian Ministry from Crown College. (5 classes after Sept 29) I am in the process of taking Educational Ministry, which is proving to be challenging, but nice to be learning again. And having conversations with adults and not a squealing 10 1/2 month old. Even though that is fun! Depending on how this class goes, we will see if I do another one this semester or just wait until the Spring Semester.
We would appreciate any prayers you send our way!
Isaiah is doing well and I promise to post pictures when I get around to it. I actually thought we had lost the camera for a while, but finally found it. So I need to get busy taking pictures. He is standing on everything and has the bruises on his head to prove it. I think he is as graceful as his mom! :) He is becoming a picky eater. He doesn't want formula anymore and becomes a fight to get some in him, but gags and vomits if he has anything chunky to eat. (i.e. cheese, peaches, pears, peas, carrots) But he loves the Gerber puffs and doesn't gag at all. Go figure, the soft things bother him! So he is growing up very fast and soon 11 months and then a year. YIKES! Thanks for all the prayers!
Posted by andy&erica at 6:23 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Andy's dad continues to improve from his stroke. Sunday was the first time that he did the Shepherd's prayer during both services and he did great! He continues with therapy and gets tired out from it, but we all see the improvements. The thing that makes me heart smile the most is that he can hold Isaiah by himself. Not for too long, since Isaiah wiggles and squirms so much, but he CAN do it! I am so thankful for that.
Continue to pray for complete healing for him and the strength for mom as she walks along side him.
Posted by andy&erica at 7:21 AM 0 comments